All the Pulse software is open source. You can find all the source code on our Github page.

Repository Desc
RTI This is the main library that contains all the code to decode ADCP data and post process a ADCP data.
Pulse Display This library contains all the shared UI elements with all the Pulse software variations. Things like the terminal.
Pulse This library contains all the UI code for the Pulse application. This will playback and display ADCP/DVL data in realtime.
Pulse Waves This library contains all the UI code for the Pulse Waves application. This will configure the ADCP for a waves deployment and export the data for WaveForce Wavector processing.
Pulse Exporter This library contains all the UI code for the Pulse Exporter application. This will export the data to MATLAB, CSV and PD0.
MATLAB RTB Reader Script Read in all the ensemble data into MATLAB. Each ensemble will be a struct in memory.